A reward credit card is the one that provides you discounts, cashbacks or miles when you make use of the credit card. These credit cards offer maximum reward points when compared with a general credit card. They also offer many more benefits that user can take advantage of with a simple process.
Best Rewards Credit Cards
Some of the best reward credit cards in India tend to offer various benefits along with the reward points. These benefits can include discounts on shopping, travelling or dining experiences. One can make use of these reward credit card to enhance their savings.
10 Best Rewards Credit Cards List
Below is the list of Top 10 credit cards in India that you can check out and take most advantage. These reward credit cards offers many more services along with reward points. You can also visit the official website of the bank to know more about the rewards credit card.
Diners Club Black METAL Edition Credit Card
Annual Fee: Rs 10000- Rs 1 lakh (varies as per issuing bank)
Key Benefits:
Here are some key benefits of this credit card. Below are the benefits:
- Reward points on spending for premium experiences like shopping, dining and many others.
- Discounts at selected restaurants.
- Access to domestic as well as international airport lounge.
- Acceptance of the credit card globally.
- Access to conceierge and gold services.
SBI SimplyCLICK Credit Card
Annual Fee: Rs 499+ GST
Key Benefits:
Here are some key benefits of this credit card. Below are the benefits:
- 10X reward points while online spending through various partner platforms like Amazon, BookMyShow, etc.
- Welcome gift in the form of Amazon voucher worth Rs 500.
- 1% fuel surcharge waiver on fuel purchases.
- 5X reward points on other online transactions or purchases
HDFC Bank Regalia Gold Credit Card
Annual Fee: Rs 2500+ GST
Key Benefits:
Here are some key benefits of this credit card. Below are the benefits:
- Earn 5X reward points on lifestyle spending.
- Get up to 40% off at selected restaurants.
- Access to Annual Membership Priority Pass
- Complementary domestic and International airport lounge access.
- Access to travel insurance coverage
HDFC Bank INFINIA Metal Credit Card
Annual Fee: Rs 12500+ GST
Key Benefits:
Here are some key benefits of this credit card. Below are the benefits:
- Reward points on spending at premium lifestyle.
- Access to hotel and gold privileges.
- Enjoy unlimited airport lounge access.
- Discounts at selective dining restaurants.
- Availability of 24/7 conceierge services.
AU Bank LIT Credit Card
Annual Fee: Rs 499+ GST
Key Benefits:
Here are some key benefits of this credit card. Below are the benefits:
- User can customize the benefits as per preferences.
- Benefits can include perks from many categories like shopping, dining, entertainment, etc.
- Enjoy rewards on every transaction.
- Card tap for instant payments
Axis Bank Atlas Credit Card
Annual Fee: Rs 5000+ GST
Key Benefits:
Here are some key benefits of this credit card. Below are the benefits:
- Welcome bonus worth 5000 Edge Miles.
- Edge Miles on spending at various transactions.
- Low forex markup fee of 1.5%.
- Access to domestic and international airport lounge.
Diners Club Rewardz Credit Card
Annual Fee: Rs 500+ GST
Key Benefits:
Here are some key benefits of this credit card. Below are the benefits:
- Reward points on spending at selected places.
- Dining discounts through Diners Club Network.
- Access to airport lounge.
- Availability of golf privileges including golf lessons.
- 1% fuel waiver across all the fuel stations in India.
IndusInd Bank Pinnacle World Credit Card
Annual Fee: Waivered for first year. Is chargeable from second year.
Key Benefits:
Here are some key benefits of this credit card. Below are the benefits:
- Earn exciting reward points varying as per spending.
- Availability of unlimited airport lounge access.
- Conceierge services that is available 24/7.
- Access to the golf privileges.
- Availability of insurance coverage and fuel waiver.
BOB Eterna Credit Card
Annual Fee: Rs 2499+ GST
Key Benefits:
Here are some key benefits of this credit card. Below are the benefits:
- Welcome gift containing reward points.
- Availability of Insurance coverage.
- Access at selected airport lounge.
- Discounts at selected restaurants and retail outlets.
- Reward points on spending across various categories including travel, shopping, etc.
ICICI Platinum Chip Credit Card
Annual Fee: No Annual Fee
Key Benefits:
Here are some key benefits of this credit card. Below are the benefits:
- Consists embedded chip that comes with additional security.
- Reward points on various spending or transactions.
- Availability of 1% fuel waiver at selected fuel stations.
- Large amount purchases are convertible into EMI.
- One can add-on cards even for family members.
All Best Credit Cards Reward Point Structure
Reward point structure includes the process through which the reward points can be easily claimed and the amount of discount that is generated with the reward points. While looking at the best rewards Credit card in India, you’ll find that the reward structure is different for every card and it depends the issuing bank. One should check with the concerned bank regarding the reward structure in order to take full advantage of the same.
How Do Rewards Credit Cards Work?
The cardholder gets rewards points on spending at various life experiences. One can benefit from these reward points by redeeming the same to get cashback offers, vouchers or discounts. These can then be used by the card holder to get additional benefits on various transactions.
How To Redeem Credit Card Reward Points?
The card holder can redeem the credit card reward points online. These can include discounts while shopping, cashback offers or even deals on dining experiences. The reward points can also be claimed at the retail outlets where using the reward points will help you get discounts. If the issuing bank allows, one can also convert the reward points into cash.
How to Choose The Best Rewards Credit Card?
Choosing the best reward credit card for travel, dining or any other experiences, you can directly contact the concerned bank. The definition of best card can vary person to person as every reward card can be redeemed in a certain way. So, one should choose a reward credit card on the basis of the benefits and the reward points offers that it comes it.
How to Apply for a Rewards Credit Card Online?
Following are the steps to apply for the best rewards credit card online-
- Login into the bank website of which you wish to apply for a credit card.
- Select the reward credit card and start the application process.
- Fill in all the personal details and required documents.
- Confirm the details and submit the application.
Reward Credit Cards are ideal for individuals who are looking to have good benefit of the credit card. One can easily take advantage of these credit card and save a lot on their transactions. The process of redeeming the reward points are also very simple and secure. One should go for a reward credit card if they expect additional benefits and savings from a credit card.
Best Rewards Credit Card FAQs
How can I redeem the reward points that are available?
Go to the issuer bank website to easily redeem the reward points.
Can I convert the reward points into real money?
Some cards do allow the user to covert the reward points into cash.
Is It safe to use cash rewards?
Yes, it is safe to use the cash rewards.